The premise is simple. Set it and forget it. Vanguard and others offer this approach for target-date retirement funds. Of two investing extremes, there is an active self-directed retirement account, where you pick individual stocks and strive to have an e ...
June’s Index
This month's index looks at turnover among the Forbes 400, 401k allocations, healthcare spend skews, bubbles, house sizes, cash flow per hospital bed, hospital returns on capital, the popularity of health and financial search terms, and more. Percent ...
Part 2: Can Healthcare Costs Move Stocks?
They say a great way to lose money is to open a restaurant. Costs, pricing pressures, and low barriers to entry tend to eat into your capital. Dad pun intended. Food, rent and labor inflation are stubborn and every extra dollar counts. All costs matter. S ...
Can Healthcare Savings Move Stocks?
The proverbial healthcare industry graveyards and nursing homes are full of companies with good intentions and lots of data. Promises to track our steps and make us healthy have done little. Predictive models tell us that we're 10% more likely to have an ...
May’s Index
This month's index covers housing inflation in San Francisco, airline costs, tulip prices relative to wages, and a potpourri of numbers on healthcare. Housing units in San Francisco in 1980: 316,608 Housing units in 2014: 386,610 Relative growth per ye ...