“Invert, always invert” Carl Jacobi Jacobi was a famous German mathematician who taught about the power of inversion, a mindset which will often lead to better results than solving problems directly.Wh ...
The Phases of Shopping For Healthcare
The shoppability of healthcare is a hotly contested area of the health insurance debate. "Lasik is the way. Lasik has gotten better and cheaper over time!"Could Healthcare Be Like Lasik? "Nonsense, you can't shop for care when you're uncon ...
Read The Footnotes
70% of people don't read beyond the headlines. I don't know if this is true or where I saw it but it feels right. Footnote reading has got to be a rare sport. Perhaps one in a hundred do that. Some deep understanding requires footnote experience. We're o ...
The Most Important Signal
In a sea of experiences, AI, and new solutions claiming to make us healthier, when it comes to employer-sponsored healthcare, for most employees, what matters most is the almighty dollar. The cash we pay is king. Payroll contributions. That's the critica ...
Open Enrollment Tips
It's the time of year for leaves, baseball, and 30-page open enrollment guides*. If you're a prospective employee, "we offer benefits" doesn't have the precision on the scale of value as does a first class flights to Europe. "We offer a free first class ...