There's an employee benefit that ranks higher than flexible work hours, more vacation time, student loan assistance, triple-strained yogurt, organic tofu, or German ping pong tables. It's outlined in a 20-40 page document, relates to your health and finan ...
High Deductible Health Plans: Good or Bad?
They've been called blunt, unfair, cruel, likely to lead to bankruptcy or avoided care, consumer-directed health plans, account-based health plans. They've also been called necessary, cost-effective, ways to align interests. With all the debate, high dedu ...
Health Savings Accounts And Promotion
What companies say and don't say says a lot about what they do. What do vendors say about Health Savings Accounts (the triple-tax savings accounts, or the 401k+ of healthcare) and how they're promoted by the brokers and consultants? These often decide whi ...