They say a great way to lose money is to open a restaurant. Costs, pricing pressures, and low barriers to entry tend to eat into your capital. Dad pun intended. Food, rent and labor inflation are stubborn and every extra dollar counts. All costs matter. S ...
Lawson’s Laws
We're in the season of reading and quoting executives. There's Amazon's letter from Jeff Bezos on customer-centricity, Jamie Dimon's on employees, customers, and better regulations, Buffett's on the tailwinds of America's economic machine. Jeff Lawson, CE ...
On Tailwinds
Anyone who wants to understand business should read Warren Buffett's letters*. All of them. Even his partnership ones when he was in his 30s. I read them about 10 years ago, and continue to intellectually salivate near the end of February when a new one i ...
February’s Index
A monthly list of interesting facts and figures from the world of healthcare, finance, and public markets. 2/3: The estimated number of Medicare quality metrics deemed uncertain or invalid by a NEJM study. 25%: the percentage of healthcare costs at ...
Averages Over Time
In many ways, I'm a below average driver. I only drive about 4,000 miles a year so I don't get much practice. I use a blinker most of the time but I'm not always courteous. Sometimes I cut in at the last minute, which I recently read is actually good for ...