Bond markets, while boring and somewhat aloof for most people, are a source of early signals and key news. When bond investors make big moves to discount a specific bond's price, be careful (as they say in Mexico, aguas). Such is the fate of a few privat ...
Why Margins Matter
If you subscribe to Fortune, you're likely surprised and excited by the heft of the issue on the biggest 500 firms. It's a formidable group: $23T in market value, 29 million global employees, and over $1T in profit. With covers to sell, a cursory look fo ...
Could Healthcare Be Like Lasik?
Lasik is odd in at least two ways. It's a rare deflationary healthcare category. It's also awkwardly priced at $2,000 per eye. "Shoes for sale, $50 per shoe." Could healthcare be more like Lasik, shoppable, and deflationary? There are key differences. Th ...
Hedging Healthcare
The history of the English landscape garden is one of luxury. Rain is abundant but there's the opportunity cost of the land, walls of needy hedges, lawns to cut, and sweat. All throughout England, hedges or hedgerows, mark the landscapes. They were also ...
JP Morgan’s $100 Million
At the center of this 1918 picture is John Pierpont Morgan, JP Morgan, the founder of the eponymous firm (now JPMorgan Chase & Co.) who helped bail out the US government during the panic of 1893. I wish I could say the photobombing kid was my grandpa ...