Inspired by the monthly Harper's Index, this is 2019's first index on healthcare and finance. The average ratio of Medicaid-to-Medicare payments spending across the US across all services: .72; In CA: .52. The factor by which commercial insurance p ...
2018 Highlights
This journey started small but 48 posts later and I can say I wrote down my thoughts, observations, and research. For over 90% of the weeks, I put meaningful time and research into 2018's blog posts. My work and research have taken me to Boston to learn a ...
On Hidden Risks and Volatility
Volatility in investing can be a great thing. The attraction to Bernie Madoff's scam can be better understood by its lack of volatility. His funds showed annual returns of an eerily consistent 10-12% and at one point reported 72 consecutive months of posi ...
Medical Bankruptcies in America
Markets price goods and services. They also set prices for the value of businesses and offer weighted opinions on political outcomes--they aggregate our revealed preferences. Financial valuation uses multiple approaches to estimate the value of a compan ...
Cadillac Consequences
Mothers and psychologists remind us that we have a built-in bias to do what's easiest or to follow the path of least resistance. Water and electricity are like this. We are naturally lazy so to stick to an exercise plan, it should be something we like, wi ...