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January’s Index

A new year and a new decade call for a refresh of the monthly index of interesting stats and blurbs on healthcare and finance. Inspired by the Harper's index. Enjoy. The estimated median % increase in earnings per share an S&P 1,000 firm by saving 10% on employee healthcare costs: 1.2% Reported healthcare savings two years into the JPMorgan Chase-Berkshire Hathaway-Amazon healthcare joint venture initiative known as Haven: N/A The number of bonds in the foreign fixed income allocation of ...


JP Morgan’s Healthcare Cooking

Warren Buffett likes food and that stretches beyond burgers and peanut brittle. His second principle listed in the Berkshire Hathaway Owner's Manual has a food metaphor: "In line with Berkshire’s owner-orientation, most of our directors have a significant portion of their net worth invested in the company. We eat our own cooking." 99% of his wealth is in Berkshire, and the majority of Charlie's is as well. Interests have been aligned for over 50 years. Some companies experiment in the healthcare ...

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Hedging Healthcare Costs As We Age

On the deflationary side, we have TVs. One the end, we have hospital costs. A book full of opinions offers causes and solutions to persistent medical inflation of 2-3x CPI. But let's be practical. To begin to ponder and plan for inflation is to think about our current and future purchases. Not to the penny but broadly. Where do you spend your money? With housing, likely the largest category, you can hedge future rent increases by buying a home at a fair price and staying 5+ years, with two eyes ...


Why Some Companies Care More About Healthcare Costs

How much do healthcare costs matter to companies' earnings? Relative to earnings they're larger than many think. 24%. That's the median estimated healthcare costs as a percentage of earnings for the S&P 1000 (the lesser-known index sibling of the S&P 500). I ran an analysis of data from S&P 1000 firms and filtered for those with at last 50 employees and positive earnings. I layered on unique data that includes the average healthcare costs per employee by industry*. This group of 8 ...